The Right to Be Forgotten: Manage your online persona


The 2016 IT Challenge theme was the Right to be Forgotten: manage your online persona. The students were asked to create a smart mobile device app to help track and manage personal data (bearing in mind the “Right to be Forgotten” and related topics) – from the perspective of an individual, a citizen, an employee or a consumer.


They should first of all provide a solution to track and identify one’s personal data. The next step was to devise solutions to either secure, filter or bring added value to this data – through actions, functionalities or objectives that might be useful to protect personal data eg. automatic de-subscription, notifications, deletion, or ensuring results do not appear in search engine top hits.

The 3 finalists

Flag of United Kingdom


Loughborough University in the UK

The team presented an app that makes it easy for you to manage your online reputation through a sentiment analysis algorithm and "credit scoring" features.

Flag of Malaysia

Go n Gone

Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation in Malaysia

The team built a cognitive app that helps you better manage your Twitter account, delete tweets and prevent cyber-bullying through text analysis and deep learning.

Flag of France



The team presented an app that searches the web for your personal data and notifies you in real time, displaying the traces found in an interactive smart dashboard and giving you advice on corrective actions.


Watch Best Of video 2016

What has happened to the 2016 participants?

2016 Former IT Challenge Participants interns at Atos Malaysia

Press Release

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